Forth Estate For Refugees

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Part of the Feast for Freedom Family

Raised $750, is a Tastemaker

Raised $1000, is a Kitchen-Whiz

Raised $1500, joined the Chef's Circle

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Sunday 2nd Feb
I have decided to have the feast on Friday the 28th of March. It will be a lunch time feast. Now I have to decide on the menu. And the region of the world to feature. No shortage of war torn countries to choose from. It will come down to what is in the garden and what is easy. 

I have made some pear-anise granita. 

Middle East is possible. 

making a decision

Saturday 1st Feb
Hello Friends,

I haven't hosted a Feast For Freedom for a few years. But this year I have decided to do it. 

The situation for refugees around the world remains dire. This is particularly true in Australia as we face a year of electioneering and the Liberals are already gearing up to do a scare campaign à la Donald Trump - (or should that be 'au Donald Trump[' as he is masculine.) The Labour Party will probably cave and follow his lead. So it is more important than ever that we stand up for refugees in Australia. 

I have only hosted one dinner party since Tony died, on his one year death anniversary. That went well and I am ready to have another go. 

I haven't chosen a date or a menu so far but stay tuned. 

Sally O

Thank you to my Donors


Sally O'wheel


Patrick Johnson

Thank you for the work you do Sally.


Lyndall Katz